
Mobile users: get an invisible disk!

by Guy Kewney | posted on 09 January 2002

An invisible disk drive would be one neat solution to the problem of stolen notebooks. Portable Add-ons is selling one.

Guy Kewney

Here is a chance to see the invisible disk working; a seminar. Of course, it isn't really an invisible disk drive. But it works as if it were. Only the owner of the PC can see it.

The product is the Keydrive software package from Secure Technology in Milton Keynes. Portable Add-ons will be running an interactive seminar down in Basingstoke on January 23rd to demonstrate the device to potential resellers.

"We can accommodate about 40 people who think they can make money out of selling this product," said technical director Mike Chay.

It's pretty simple; a USB "key" goes into the USB port on the notebook, and a PIN is entered; and immediately, a "removeable disk drive" appears. It's strongly encrypted, so even if the PC is stolen, finding the data isn't enough to decode it.

The seminar will be Dummer Golf Course off the M3 near Basingstoke. Details are on the Portable Add-ons web site