What program will you run on your Nokia phone?
by Guy Kewney | posted on 12 March 2002
The one thing even Sun was sure would never happen - but it has happened; you can run software on your phone. Downloadable Java applets will now run on the 6310i Nokia phone - which has J2ME embedded in it. Using Sun-invented technology, of course ...

It's described as "a world class performer for mobile professionals" - but it's not one of Nokia's combined PDA/phone lumps like the 9210. Instead, the 6310i (with injection engine?) is just a phone - but a phone with a big difference. It runs software which you load into it, just like a computer.
That "injection engine" is a virtual machine; the J2ME engine, which is going to allow users to run personal applications on the phone.
"Mobile phones are increasingly used as personal tools for managing one's business and private life," said Jouko Hayrynen, Vice President, Forum Nokia, Nokia Mobile Phones, at the launch at CeBIT.
Exactly what will run on the Java engine?
"Java technology will bring a wide assortment of interactive and dynamic applications and services to mobile phones," said Hayrynen. "Mobile professionals will be able to make the most out of their phones by conveniently downloading the applications they need. The Java technology provides an open and rich platform for the creative potential of a worldwide base of application developers," he added, without getting any more specific.
Pressed for concrete examples, Hayrynen said: "All new kinds of interactive and graphical games, business applications and terminal enhancements." These Java applications can be downloaded to the Nokia 6310i via WAP or from a PC by using the Nokia PC suite, he said.
And finally: "Examples of downloadable applications include interactive maps, currency and measure converters, bilingual phrase books, games, and sports training calendars."
The phone will ship from the middle of the year, Nokia said.
It will work in all three GSM bands, providing mobile Internet access via WAP over GPRS, fast data connections over HSCSD, and enhanced connectivity with integrated Bluetooth technology.
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