WECA will test wireless products in the UK now
by Guy Kewney | posted on 13 March 2002
The make-or-break factor in any computer communications area - compatibility -is handled in the wireless LAN business by WECA, the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance. WECA has now set up in the UK with Agilent.

Technical director Greg Ennis said he was "excited" about the opening of the new interoperability testing centre for Europe. "People in Europe will no longer need to send their products - and their engineers - all the way to the US for product testing," he pointed out.
WECA member Chris Corbett - who works with Microsoft as chief wireless networking guru - said that European WiFi networks are becoming more and more important. "A year ago, only 80 products were certified, and almost all the industry was North American," said Corbett. "Today, the number of Asian installations is rising - reaching 30%"
Europe is still well behind, accounting for only 10% of WiFi installations so far, but WECA expects it to catch up fast, once the legal situation is clarified.
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