Linksys security for home office - but not WiFi - users
by Guy Kewney | posted on 02 April 2002
Dominating the US retail market for broadband routers, Linksys believes it has a unique understanding of what home users need in terms of security, and has jumped into the market with a virtual private network built into its new router. But it may have missed a trick as far as wireless LAN users are concerned.

The new product will be sold to SMEs throughout the UK and Ireland, for £199.00 (including. VAT). It includes a new security processor from Hifn - the company which co-operated with RSA in last December's patch for WiFi's broken security mechanism, WEP.
However, this product may not be what all wireless users want. Since the 3DES processor is actually in the router, the remote wireless device doesn't need to run the encryption/decryption software - that's all taken care of in the Hifn processor. The advantage is that small, battery-powered devices aren't burdened with the workload - unfortunately, it also means that they get "clear" ethernet packets which, in theory, can be sniffed quite easily.
The EtherFast Cable/DSL VPN Router (BEFVP41) is a broadband VPN router which "meets the needs of SME and SOHO resellers and is ideal for telecommuters and branch office IT purchasers who require VPN functionality and security for remote office connectivity," observes the company.
The key feature of the router is that it offers a complete IPSec solution without additional VPN software licences, upgrades or technical support costs, says the company.
Linksys claims an installed base of over 2.3 million broadband routers, giving it a leadership position in the US retail channel with about 70% market share) as well as a healthy place in the US distribution channel with about 31% market share).
"Existing Linksys router customers (including resellers and IT purchasers) provided feedback on what features they would like to see incorporated into the new VPN router," said the company at launch. "Some features included the same simple set up, the value and affordability for which Linksys has become renowned, more than 5 user licences free of charge "right out of the box" plus free technical support, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day."
Users also insisted on compatibility with other IPSec servers and software, as well as remote web-based administration, enabling IT technicians to manage and troubleshoot from the corporate network.
Robert Auci, Linksys' senior business development manager, said "We worked with many of our resellers and beta testers to find out what they wanted from a VPN Router that wasn't currently available. The result is our new VPN Cable/DSL Router, which provides up to 70 IPSec VPN tunnels "out of the box", no need to purchase upgrades or technical support, plus the ease of web browser configuration found in all our other router products."
Sales contact is David Boyd at 44 Highfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 2NQ - Tel: 01245 352403
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