Voice and Internet: two companies combine to exploit both.
by Guy Kewney | posted on 05 April 2002
If you have all the technology for voice compression on one side, and all the know-how to build Internet chips on the other, you could well be building a company that will make a fortune when voice all goes over the Internet.

Such a merger has just been announced: Parthus is "an established leader in platform-level IP solutions" (complete silicon and software IP solutions) "targeting key technologies related to the mobile Internet." That's the half which carries data around the Net.
The Ceva Business is the leading supplier of chips that turn sounds into data - digital signal processors - and back again. It claims that other semiconductor companies regard its SmartCores technology as "the licensed DSP core of choice in the cellular phone market."
According to Associated Press reporter Shawn Pogatchnik the combined company would supply products, chiefly for internet-capable mobile phones and handheld computers, to nine of the world's top 10 computer chip makers.
It's a good bet, though, that the people who will be watching this most closely, will be those who know what a combination the two technologies will be in rivalling organised cellphone networks.
Check out Parthus and see what you think.
The bare bones of the announcement are: "Parthus Technologies plc and DSP Group, Inc jointly announce that they have agreed to combine Parthus with the DSP IP licensing business of DSPG "Ceva Business") in a merger of equals. The Merger, which has been unanimously approved by the boards of directors of both companies, creates a combined company which the parties believe will have clear leadership in the market for Digital Signal Processing cores and platform-level IP - the core technologies for all digital communication and multimedia devices. The new combined company will be called ParthusCeva, Inc."
Watch this space ...
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Voice and Internet: two companies combine to exploit both.
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