
It's wireless; but hardly mobile: a "last mile" solution

by Guy Kewney | posted on 09 May 2002

It's wireless, yes; it's 11 megabits per second, too; but it most definitely is NOT a WiFi system. Rather, it's a way of linking buildings up to 25 miles apart.

Guy Kewney

Speedlan 9000 is broadband; "Flexible building-to-building, multipoint, and mesh options in a single broadband wireless platform," according to Wave Wireless Networking, which is a division of Speedcom Wireless Corporation - and this product line will begin shipping June 7. Full details in the press release.

comment: I wouldn't have mentioned this on a "mobile IT" news site, but for the fact that I've already seen references to it which assume that it's WiFi, purely on the basis of its 11 megabit speed. This one, to put an end to the confusion, has a range of up to 25 miles.

If you want a comparison, check out Radiant Networks, in Cambridge, UK, which does the same sort of trick, but far better.