
Still places left on Mobile Campaign seminar

by Guy Kewney | posted on 29 May 2002

The first gathering of Mobile Campaign members is being held next week in Spain; and there are two places left ...

Guy Kewney

With a focus on "mobile applications in finance" our first Mobile Campaign seminar starts Monday June 3rd in Los Urrutias, Spain.

The three-day seminar is deliberately small and low-key; but we have two places left for late bookers. Contact Guy Kewney - use email preferably - if you are interested in joining us.

The venue will be of particular interest to anybody fond of small boat sailing, with a high-performance sailing school operated by Neilson nearby. Other recreation is available at nearby La Manga club for after-hours relaxation.

Costs are from £200 (seminar only) to £900 for a bundled deal including travel and accommodation.