Amsterdam Bluetooth - the hype begins before the show
by Guy Kewney | posted on 10 June 2002
Stretching the meaning of "complete solution" beyond any elastic limit, RF Micro and Brightcom have kicked off the Amsterdam Bluetooth Congress early with a collaboration announcement.

According to a press release put out two days before the opening day of the Bluetooth event of the month, there will be "live demonstrations" of a combination of semiconductor components, and software.
The Bluetooth "solution" is the combination of RFMD's RF2968 transceiver and BrightCom's Intelliblue chips and Brightcore software.
"RFMD and BrightCom intend to offer evaluation platforms and reference designs, giving customers the ability to rapidly develop Bluetooth-enabled applications and quickly move into volume manufacturing."
In other words, it's not a complete solution in any sense that you or I might understand it; it's a way for two companies to avoid walking into each others' patches where they suddenly found they lacked an important part of technology. Or, as the PR people prefer to phrase it: the two companies are cooperating to capitalize on each other's core strengths."
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