"First folding UK plug" to celebrate Teleadapt's first decade
by Guy Kewney | posted on 23 July 2002
It may be the weirdest device ever offered to the mobile IT user - a collapsible mains plug - launched on the occasion of Teleadapt's tenth birthday.

The Teleadapt web site shows this weird-looking device beautifully. In use, it's a standard UK-style 13A square-pin electric plug. But when travelling, it folds up to hide those protruding prongs, so they won't punch holes in your luggage.
It's a fitting innovation for the tenth anniversary of a company which has put a huge variety of odd-looking plugs and connectors onto the market for the mobile executive since it was launched by Managing Director, Gordon Brown in 1992, "from a room over a garage, with the aim of offering best of breed solutions to solve mobile connectivity and power problems."
Brown has also chosen the tenth anniversary for the opening of two new offices in China and the Czech Republic.
Our favourite Teleadapt product is the £20 phone charger which takes its power from a USB port on a notebook computer.
Update: sadly, this folding plug has vanished from Teleadapt's site. A search discovered that "The Answer" is, of course, 42; 42 Technology
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