Put a PocketPC on the LAN - wirelessly
by Guy Kewney | posted on 20 November 2002
Software to "transparently" extend the office LAN environment to the PocketPC user has been launched by Brand Communications. It handles compression, problems with dropped connections, and security, says the company.

Brand's Apollo Pocket PC software, announced today, "transparently extends the LAN environment to any Pocket PC device, providing real-time, secure and reliable wireless connectivity for the Pocket PC mobile user."
It "removes the uncertainty of using the wireless network to transfer vital information and ensures compatibility with almost all data devices and networks resulting in a future-proofed investment," says a press release on the company web site - allowing access to all IP-based applications from the office, home or in the field.
Martin Kendrick, Brand Communications Managing Director, claimed that the main benefit was "superior performance to the mobile user, by using compression techniques." Brand compresses the data being sent and received, which substantially increases connection speeds and reduces the amount of data being sent. "The performance and usability are also dramatically improved by the unique recovery protocol, which intelligently re-connects the session if the call is lost or broken."
Apollo also offers dynamic switching between GPRS, GSM or other bearer networks, depending on availability during the same transaction, and security is controlled to ensure that only valid users can establish sessions and access applications throughout the day.
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