Recognition for mobile pioneer IXI, from Tornado
by Guy Kewney | posted on 14 May 2003
In a world where we have mobile data being held back by phone makers who only know how to sell phones, the inventor of the PMG - personal mobile gateway - holds out great hope for sanity - and it seems someone other than NewsWireless Net agrees!

IXI Mobile "is one of Europe's top 25 emerging private tech companies," reports the Tornado Insider in its "Top 100 List."
Naturally, the folks at IXI are pleased: ""We are very pleased," said Amit Haller, CEO. "The industry is recognizing the PMG as a true paradigm shift."
That's starting to look true. At the 3GSM Congress in Cannes, there were several people who had never heard of the high-tech startup; but since then, the list of people anxious to buy into the concept of a "universal mobile access point" has started to grow.
Another feather in the IXI hat came from IBC, which has organized the world's first PMG Seminar on June 16th in Amsterdam, featuring a full day of speakers and panels, including companies listed in the Fortune 100 as well as the Tornado 100.
The list, which will be detailed in the May issue of the Tornado Insider magazine, will profile IXI Mobile and the other 99 most promising and innovative emerging companies in the European IT and biotech sectors.
"These companies are Europe's elite," said Timothy Weeks, Tornado Insider's Senior Research Analyst. "While much of the tech world continues to struggle, these entrepreneurial vanguards are busy catalyzing the future."
More about IXI Mobile on the IXI site - or from the new PMG Mag site. The company "provides end-to-end software solutions that enable a new category of wireless devices including the Personal Mobile Gateway (PMG) and Sleek Devices."
For more information on the PMG Seminar visit IBC's site.
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Recognition for mobile pioneer IXI, from Tornado
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