Danger! - the "Color" Sidekick won't work outside the US - yet
by Guy Kewney | posted on 08 June 2003
Danger CEO Hank Nothhaft has left a note in the NewsWireless.Net discussion area, correcting any impression that the new model is a tri-band phone - it isn't, he says. Not yet, anyway.

His note says: "The Color Sidekick has a US single band radio. It is not a Triband, but a 1900 MHz US device only."
But the good news is that a tri-band version will ship - soon: "Later this year Danger, the developer of the Color Sidekick, will be introducing a Triband version of the device. It will be available in Europe and most likely in the U.S."
Danger itself designs the Hiptop, and provides the servers which feed data to the device - but it doesn't manufacture or sell it, and so Nothhaft can't predict if or when the tri-band version will be available. Perhaps T-Mobile could offer an upgrade programme at that stage, he suggests, "but that would strictly be their decision."
The tri-band version is the one he uses for demonstrations to European phone network operators, he says. "I am currently using a prototype version of our Triband phone and I am in Europe frequently. It works extremely well in Europe - we are going through the final certification process of our device in Europe and then it will be launched."
But no news at this stage of who will sell it.
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